Savvy Tips

Savvy Tip #1: Never pay retail (full price) for anything. Absolutely, everything that is purchased and sold is marked up, sometimes 3000% depending on the item. Always get the best bargain you can.

Savvy Tip #2:  Save Money & Time with Meal Planning:  In this current economic climate, almost everyone I know is tightening their budgets.  Some are cutting out their daily lattes or personal trainers, some are on a total spending hiatus and others are simply trying to decrease their grocery bills. The question is, how can you save money on groceries, in particular if you, like my family, eat healthy, organic and local foods? Here's how.  Meal planning. We are a family of four and I spend $100/week on healthy, organic, un-processed food. Read More
Awesome advice from Daily Worth

Savvy Tip #3:  The Best Financial Advice Ever: J Money from Budgets Are Sexy outlines his 4 Favorite Pieces of Financial Adivce E-V-E-R believing that these will improve anyone’s finances, regardless of age, occupation, or net worth. Your wallet will thank you, your peace of mind will thank you, and you’ll find yourself feeling sexier than ever! So here they are – my all-time favorite pieces of advice: Read More
Excellent article from Budgets Are Sexy

Savvy Tip #4:  You can cut a lot of fat in a latte simply by ordering it prepared with fat free milk. Or enjoy a low-fat Cinnamon Latte at home.  Courtesy of Kraft Foods Good Eating, Good Living